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Drs. Christoph Kofler

I am a third-year Ph.D. Researcher in the Delft Multimedia Information Retrieval Lab.

In 2013, I received the highly prestigious Google European Doctoral Fellowship and am the first named Google Fellow in Video Search worldwide. I feel very honored to be one of 39 worldwide selected Ph.D. Researchers who Google considers as "some of the most promising young academics in the world" and am very grateful to Google for having provided me this great opportunity and freedom to address research questions I am interested in. Please find Google's official announcement here and a list of worldwide Fellowship recipients here.

My research interests include the field of multimedia information retrieval with focus on video search intent inference and its applications for search results optimization throughout the entire search engine pipeline (indexing, retrieval functions, query formulation). Next to ‘what’ a user is looking for using video search, I am particularly interested in the ‘why’ component behind the search and its opportunities for the development of novel multimedia retrieval algorithms. Besides search intent inference, I am interested in search goal and query failure analysis. This research includes strong connections to information retrieval, multimedia content analysis, data and web mining, machine learning, human computer interaction, and crowdsourcing.

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