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MSc Steven Bosems

Ph.D. Candidate

As a Ph.D. candidate, I am currently working on the COMMIT/ SWELL project.

The project focusses on user-centric reasoning for well-being at home and well-being at work.

My own area of research consists of requirements engineering and information systems architecture in this domain.

Description of research

Over the last few years, the lifestyle of knowledge workers has been degrading. Unhealthy habits cause both physical and psychological problems, putting a strain on the individual’s well-being.

In order to conquer both these problems, SWELL aims to create a pervasive, context-aware system that will aid the user into obtaining and attaining a healthier lifestyle. This class of applications utilize sensors in order to perceive their environment and adapt their workings according to the user’s needs.

One problem with these needs, however, is that they are not always well specified, something that is crucial to pervasive systems. Through the use of model-driven requirements engineering techniques, we aim to close the gap between user needs and features offered by the system.

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