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Grunberg writes book for science

International bestselling writer Arnon Grunberg has written a book while his brain activitiy was being measured. COMMIT/project SWELL worked together in the team of scientists who conducted this research.

A short valorisation project called Quantified Reader will evaluate a Proof of Concept product that will enhance the reading experience for e-book readers through measuring emotions of the reader and share them with others.

During the writing process, his facial expressions and neurophysiological parameters like EEG, ECG and skin conductivity have been measured. The goal is now to develop and test a system to measure, interpret and quantify emotions of 300 readers that can answer questions like: do other readers feel the same emotions in a particular scene? How did the writer feel when writing that scene? The emotion reading and interpretation builds upon the SWELL sensors and reasoning components for stress and workload. 

Watch the livestream of Grunberg writing over here.

SWELL (Smart Reasoning Systems for Well-being at Work and at Home)
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